Is Coaching Right for You?

Are you looking to find out if coaching is right for you? Look below for important questions that you may be asking yourself.


Are you dreaming of a career that is fulfilling and designed around getting people from a place where they are in their lives to a place where they want to be?

If you answered yes, coaching does just that. Coaching transforms people's lives. Imagine being a part of a transformative experience over and over again. Coaching truly transforms through a tried and true coaching process. The International Coaching Federation has done the research on coaching and over the past 25 years has established the Core Coaching Competencies. These competencies, when applied, will help you facilitate an environment where transformation can happen.

Are you wanting a change from a career that does not fill your soul?

I’ve heard from many students over the years that they feel stuck, unfulfilled, and ready for change. Is this you? If you answered yes, consider a career that allows you to create space for another person to really create progress in their lives. Consider a career where you will be a witness to someone overcoming what holds them back in their life. If you are someone looking to make a change in other people’s lives, coaching is the right place.


Have you had life experiences that have shaped who you are and you now want to go and help others through similar experiences?

Many coaches get into coaching because they have had an experience that they want to help others get through. This is the best intention to have for a coaching career. With this desire, you can be a great coach. All it takes is the desire to help others. That passion and drive is what makes a successful coach.

Do you want to learn how to coach before you get started or want to see more transformation within the population you are already coaching?

Training can be an integral part of changing your course in your career, creating new opportunities, or will help you learn how to make a bigger impact on those you are already coaching. Getting formal accredited training can tenfold the impact you have on coachees. 


Are you looking for training that provides a transformative learning experience for yourself?

Coach training should not only prepare you to make a difference in the lives of who you coach, it should also create a transformative learning environment where you experience coaching like nothing else. At ACA we pride ourselves on the transformative experience our students have through coaching others in the course, doing live coaching demonstrations, and even group coaching exercises right in the class. You will experience your own transformations just as much as you will learn to create these transformations for others.